[RPG] Rereading ... Casus Belli (12) Miscellaneous links
Casus Belli No. 12, December 1982, 40 pages.
number for Christmas 82. The
News Front have fewer new role-playing in the No. 11. Especially since it was announced TSR bought the company prestigious SPI wargames. To my knowledge, TSR was not able to manage this fund (their magazine Ares integrated into Dragon , died several years later and TSR will be a reprint without the watered-down demons role playing Dragonquest ) and the main designers set out to found SPI Victory Games (Which was very innovative including role playing James Bond ). Apart from that, the outputs include the module by Gary Gygax WG4 Forgotten Temple Of The Tharizdun , play superhero Champions (the second edition ) and the dark play on foot in full War Vietnam Recon (first edition, the following is taken from then Palladium).
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner a thematic unit with three plant monsters Bruce Heard with sketches in a sectional Guiserix: the green octopus , The Orchid Gobe-all vampiric plant and . The Bizarre Bazaar has again translations, but this time Dragon # 58, February 1982, in the special issue of Roger E. Moore Dwarfs: The Helm Guile underground (to better identify the architectural details) and the Great Anvil Dwarves (which can be best blacksmith, but the treasure seems very difficult to transport).
and the rune quest by Frederick Armand (which is usually chronic rather wargames) is presenting RuneQuest (with coverage of the English edition by Game Workshop). The author simply says that the game is absolutely top to D & D (which I think is true), even if it is "less detailed than for veterans C & S . One argument used is strange that this is one of the most popular games after Traveller in Great Britain. But Armand speaks more flexibility and elegance of the rules (no classes, the unified system) and almost no world Glorantha.
SOS Pantheon is an article by Bruce Heard to simulate the Intervention Divine in AD & D. In RuneQuest , Divine Intervention is easy but very expensive: an insider of a God has a percentage chance equal to its score in power and you lose a number of power points equal to the number on the dice (he So a 1% chance of losing all his points and lose his soul). Here, however, the ad hoc system looks a bit like RoleMaster : we throw a d100 with the bonus level (+1 / 2 or Level / Level for priestly classes) or situation (+15 a crusade or a temple) and then determines whether the appeal was heard by a simple up / Einherjar / valkyrie of God or by God himself (if the end result is greater than 100). Then determined by another jet if he decides to respond and the magnitude of its response. It sounds a bit complicated for relatively low probabilities, except for Priests or Paladins.
module AD & D number is "Convoy lost" (Level 3), Didier Guiserix and Agnes Pernelle (who was assistant editor of the magazine before becoming one of the editors with this scenario) . The module is filled with jokes and puns and even offers to meet Big Bill of No. 4 which offers competitive liquor (see rule on resistance to intoxication in Casus No. 11). But it is not intended as Big Bill accompanying the group (which may be better). The Casus No. 10 proposed a Auberge du Troll Jester and this module begins with a second, the Auberge de la Sudden Death innkeeper's Bretzel (one client called Iapudklinex). There are a series of small dungeons quite successful with a little story. One of the findings is that in addition to the plan included a drawing Guiserix outdoors, allowing a better viewing together.
The mini-game, Duel on Zloog is quite original. It's kind of fighting game for two players where everyone has an astronaut crashed in the marshes of the asteroid Zloog. Everyone should try to find something to leave his ship while fighting against the random encounters.
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