Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturn Sc2 Leaks Back Seat

to Play [Week Scandinavian] La saga de Ketil le Saumon

The Ketil saga Hoeng was translated to Anacharsis editions. This is the first part of Hrafnistumannasögur .

Ketil ("Cauldron") was the son of Hallbjörn ("Bear rocks) the Half-Troll, the son of Úlfr (" Wolf ") the Wild. Hallbjorn was hersir (baron, below an earl ) in Hrafnista Island, north-western Norway in Hålogaland . When he was a child, Ketil had a reputation for being an idiot right to "eat coal from homes a "good boy just to blow on the ashes . But growing up, he showed his strength and courage after the tests passed by Hallbjörn. He killed a robber with a blow of cod and even returned North by saying that he killed with an ax a "flying fish and walked on the earth." It was actually a flying dragon, but the body of Ver-winged dragon, so his father nicknamed him then Hallbjörn " Ketil Hoeng "Ketil Salmon (or trout ") because he dared to tackle the "big fish".

When Hrafnista lacked fish, Ketil went sailing up the fjords more distant The second text box where whales and seals. He killed a family of cannibal giants, and Surtr Kaldrani.

The following year, Ketil traveled far to Finnmark. Troll A woman tried to stop his ship. Arrived in Saami , Ketil Salmon met the mysterious Sami Bruni, who received from him and even gave his daughter Hrafnhildr , who was of gigantic size. Ketil joins Hrafnhildr but when he returned, Bruni warned that he might meet Gusirr , King of the Sami in Finland. Ketil Gusirr faced a battle à l'arc. Leurs deux premières flèches se rencontrèrent en plein vol mais et grâce à l'aide magique de Brúni, il réussit à vaincre le Roi des Sâmes de son troisième trait. Brúni devint le nouveau Roi de Finlande et donna comme cadeau à Ketil l'épée magique de Gusir, Dragvendil , et trois flèches magiques, Flaug (Vol), Hremsa (Manche) et Fifa (Trait).

Ketil rentra donc avec ces Dons de Brúni, mais aussi avec sa concubine, Hrafnhildr, chez lui à Hrafnista. Mais son père Hallbjörn le Demi-Tröll était mécontent de cette union with what he saw as an inhumane Troll. Hrafnhildr gave birth to a child and she covered in fur, it was Grim Hairy to Play, which was part of his face still covered with a coat he could not cut with iron. Hrafnhildr, never to suffer the attacks Hallbjörn, decided to leave but said she would return in three winters.

But during his absence, Ketil Salmon Hallbjörn persuaded to legally marry Sigríðr , daughter of Bárðr . He called his daughter marriage with Sigríðr Hrafnildr daughter of Ketil . When Hrafnhildr (Daughter of brown) came back she was offended at having been betrayed and left with his father leaving Grim.

After the death of Hallbjörn, Ketil inherited his domain Hrafnista. Ketil Hrafnihildr Brúnadóttir review came with his father and he defended the young Grim against a Troll sang a song.

Ketil promised his daughter he Hrafnhildr do not force someone to marry against her will. When suitors were turned away, Ketil had to overcome in single combat.
The following year, when he went on an expedition, he was once again fighting a large troll who went to the þing Trolls, led by "King of Trolls Skelgringr, Ófóti, and Ófótansfirði Thorgerdur Hörgatröll. Then the Viking

Framarr king of Gestrekaland came to ask the hand of Hrafnhildr. Framarr was a priest of Óðinn on his mound and Árhaug Óðinn offered him invulnerability to all swords. Hrafnhildr refused marriage and Ketil had to respond again to a duel for the hand of his daughter.

So he went to the Gestrekaland who "was now a vassal of the Huns" and became friends with Böðmóðr 's son Framarr, who offered him hospitality. Böðmóðr even came to support him in the duel against his father. An eagle came down from heaven and tore the clothes Framarr, which was a bad omen. Ketil was Camelot Dragvendil but even his blows could not pass the magic of Framarr, protected from Óðinn. Ketil but do not sacrifice to the gods and did not care that his own valor and the third time, finally Framarr Dragvendil pierced and killed him.

Böðmóðr's son Framarr, asked as this one's hand Hrafnhildr and it agreed to marry the man who had sided with Ketil against his father.

Ketil Hrafnista continued to rule, and then stops in Hålogaland his Saga.

  • This short saga tells the story of a Ketil Salmon in Norway, but the saga was written in medieval Iceland. It appears a second Ketil, also known as "Salmon", but in Iceland, a descendant of it, after several generations in the Saga of Egil , Ketil "Son of Thorkell" and he participated in the colonization of island. Note

    few repetitions in the saga of the Salmon. He enlists the help of the Finns against Bruni his cousin King Gusirr but yet not marry the daughter of Hrafnhildr Bruni (who will be the mother of his heir to Play Grim Hairy). Then he enlists the help of the Swedish Böðmóðr against his father King Framarr and then gives the hand of his daughter Hrafnhildr (II). We obtain the sovereignty and Princess in a ritual murder of the father, but always through an intermediary to avoid the parricide.

    Finns in the Scandinavian myths are almost humans, wizards and trolls already. The magic sword of Dragvendill Gusirr will then reappear in the Sagas. There is no explanation for the fact that she could Framarr pass defenses. The three magic arrows offered by Bruni also reappear throughout the epic cycle Hrafnista.

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