Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kates Playground Swimming Pool Full Set

[JDR] En relisant... Casus Belli (10)

Casus Belli No. 10, September 1982, 40 pages.

This editorial announces that FMF Casus Belli will now mini-games and even role playing, games like the big brother inset Games & Strategy .

T. Martin comes up with some ideas for scenarios Space Opera (see No. 8). The tracks are just a few lines. (1) Players will explore a new world. (2) They will make a mission of espionage or sabotage Secret Service of the Federation, or be sent in a suicide mission to organize a coup. (3) They explore a ghost ship. The article notes that it is always easier to make the Heroic Fantasy (where everyone recognizes the same reference, outside of Magic: there is no need to explain what a " dagger "or" armor ") and SF (where players must make efforts to learn how the laws of this universe). It's convincing (and publisher of Galactic Empire Gerard Klein also criticized the current domination of the Heroic Fantasy evidence of lowering the scientific and general culture of the Enlightenment) but I think there is still an element of historical contingency: if Traveller or Star Wars had been the first role play and they had established the conventions of the game, world of SF generic "default" appear as "natural" that the Elves, Magic Vancean or classes of D & D.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner ... We continue translations of the White Dwarf Xylo-mind (Birch WD Spirit # 28, December 81), specter of a Dryad who has a birch, and Anubis ( WD # 29, February 1982), jackal-men who could complement Fély of No. 2. The
Bazaar Weird e is a sequence of fairly simple magic swords (Sword vampire sword suitable for underwater combat, dagger of Dunedain who disintegrate undead).

The Troll Inn joker is written by Bruce Heard . Heard a bit too understated in the D & D authors . Franco-American, he began to translate the products TSR French and then went to work on D & D Basic in Lake Geneva. He wrote some of the best Gazeteers World Known Mystara, baroque 3 The Gazetteer of Glantre MOSTLY (1987), the Orcs of Thar Gazetteer 10 (1988) or Savage Baronies (1995). Here, the Inn is not really a "module" but the plan of a hostel with a long table of random events to spice passages within a scenario. It's really interesting as a tool of improvisation and I like a few red herrings (like the children of the innkeepers who will "play the ghost during the night, which would necessarily disastrous effects on player characters legitimately paranoid). Number following re-specify the rules on the resistance to alcohol binge drinking in the hotel.

News Front Page spends sadly announcing the closing of the Club of Dungeons & Dragons Rue d'Ulm (and those of Saint-Rémy) for this autumn 1982. It was not for lack of staff but rather because of his success because there were, according to the article, some nights " hundreds" of visitors as tourists who disrupted the organization (and stealing rulebooks). The ENS students were actually quite small and I assume that is not made for the rooms of the school (the "Organizing Committee Christmas" goes back, I think, 1986 and I do not know about the running student associations before this date ). It rue d'Ulm, next to Descartes and Games the Egg Cube, that FMF Guiserix and Big Bill had their campaigns and so this closure comes at the same time FMF hands over the head Casus Belli .


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