In African countries after 1990 (which coincides more or less at the La Baule speech, even if the report is perhaps not causal), there were many multi-party elections but most were then also failures and returns to the College autocratic.
But as Kant said just before the French Revolution, no people can be free without the risk of being wrong. As they say we are not yet ready for freedom, they deny it ever be. Even in case of failure or a bloody theocracy worse than the dictatorship, we do not really see how one could spend a day democracy possible without going through these steps. The theocrats will lose their prestige once they have been in power even if afterwards it can be very long to get rid of.
Around the year 500, the Sassanid Persian king Kavadh , influenced by the heretic mazdéiste Mazdak had already had a (brief) experience vegetarian communist. We may find traces in the "Qarmati" 400 years later.
Muhammad died in 632 and his son Ali (the First Imam Shiites) is murdered in 660. On the death of the seventh Imam, Muhammad ibn Isma'il `He in 813, the Shiites are divided between a majority in Syria (then) who refused to accept his death and believed he was still alive (this Ismailis are Shias ) and a minority who sought another successors (they are now the majority "Twelver "in Iran, and then they admit the following five Imams, the last Imam is" hidden "). In the years 890, Hamdan Qarmat millenarian who belonged to the group awaiting the return of the 7th Imam (although Sources suggest he then maintained for a time Ubayd Allah, who had founded the Shiite caliphate "Fatimid" in Egypt).
A group of his followers called the " Qarmats " because of him, now led by Abu Sa'id al-Hasan al-Jannabi, took control of the Bahrain coast 899. Qarmatiens These had evolved into radical revolutionaries, who had everything in common in their state "Utopian" and imposed vegetarianism (but communism between initiated members did not prevent slavery in the conquered subjects). They deviated so much from the traditional Islam that they even decided that many of the common beliefs was that of heresy, and in particular that the entire pilgrimage and worship of the Kaaba in Mecca was the idolatry.
In 928, the astrologers Qarmatiens determined him it was a great conjunction of the planets ( Mushtarie , Zuhal Jupiter and Saturn) that would open an era new, a new cycle and perhaps the arrival of the Mahdi . Their leader Abu Tahir said he found the Mahdi Persian in a young child but then he seems to be disappointed. The
Qarmats massacred thousands of pilgrims and ravaged cities of Mecca and Medina in 930 desecrating sites. they stole the Black Stone of the Kaaba and took hostage, saying that it was by divine order.
The Black Stone had already been torn to pieces once during previous wars, but kept it Qarmatiens captive for 23 years before finally making to 953 (but a story told they would have broken into several pieces and other legends Sunnis say they were cursed for this). The ratio of Muslims to the Kaaba long remained very ambiguous about this unique object of idolatry. Even the Sunnis of Saudi Wahhabis, who are both Pilgrimage today, were originally tempted to ban all pre-Islamic rituals before the sacred stone (which would be a gift from God, but also a reservoir of sins, with the ambiguity of any traditional "Scapegoat"). The
Qarmats knew then defeats the Abbasid state and eventually collapse had Eleventh century (even if their sect have survived then trace Ismaili Shiite tribes in the region). The current
Bahrain was also dominated by a Sunni tribe of Kuwaiti origin (and supported by the British), which explains the anomaly of the head with a Sunni majority Shiite.
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