Saturday, February 12, 2011

Large Flesh Colored Mole

[JDR] En relisant... Casus Belli (9)

Casus Belli No. 9, June-July 1982, 40 pages.

I speak in theory as RPGs. That said, the pages " Wargames" and the first page on the game board (the term is still new at the time) each have a section of Frederick Armand games on the company's SPI, both created by Greg Costikyan (the designer which will include the latest Star Wars , Toon and Paranoia ). The first article, on the other games of alliances that Diplomacy , including mentions Barbarian Kings (1980), a diplomatic alternative where you can for example force a player to accept or break a covenant Magic (there was a new edition in 2001). The second section, the board game Deathmaze (1979), gives advice to the "dungeon" without Game Master (with a list of creatures to be added).

D & D: Beware the March is again a section of tips for beginners. Didier Guiserix recommends starting rather by Basic Set and Expert Set before going to AD & D because it seemed a dip too heavy (although Casus does not in fact all scenarios AD & D for ). He also says you can add optional rules, such as location shots (on 1d6), provided it does not slow the game This idea was in the Blackmoor Supplement II RuneQuest before it was quickly dropped in all other versions of D & D as it does not scale well to abstract system of hit points.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner has a different profile Roman Gladiators (retiarius, Mirmillon, Secutor, Thracian, Samnite) by Gianni Vacca (which is still very active on the forums Basic / RuneQuest and has released a supplement Basic Imperial China). G. Vacca also sent the race ERGEG , violent monkeys in "Planet of the Necromancer." They are alleging Images SF Steven Eisler, P. 63 (but was actually a cover by Michael Whelan for the novel by Poul Anderson Night Face ).

Bazaar Bizarre resumed translations of White Dwarf with 12 potions. The most fun is probably the one where the drinker then systematically reverse the doors and walls (which can be annoying for a game-Monster Gate-Treasury), or the lotion anti-undead (Which is effective but gives off such a stench when they're coating it also pushes any form of living being).

The AD & D module FMF Guiserix and resumed the Gladiators described by Gianni Vacca Games Arena (to be integrated in a scenario of the 3rd Level). The characters are captured by Lord Helldrum, the Viceroy of the Empire Thar k after trying to burgle his property. It offers them in exchange for saving the life of fighting in the Arena. It is hard to imagine more interventionist and as minimalist scenario. Fans of the game Ave Tenebrae FMF, which was released just to this date, recognize this name as Thar Empire State World Dreamrift attacked by the Dark Magiocrate Orvarth (= Haazel Thorn of the Black Moon?) and Wismerhill after the fall of L (h) ynn. I guess if FMF remained after the number 10 instead of from the U.S., he would have made her world the "world house" magazine (in place of alarian that will create Guiserix). Who knows if it would have better detail of this world " Creux-du- dream"?

News Front speaks for the first time the club Saint-Gaudens in the Haute-Garonne to Henry Balczezak (which will launch the bimonthly fanzine role play Toulouse Runes six months later, and then work for Jeux Descartes). If you arrive until January 1983, it could also comment Runes (which was a bit more open to RuneQuest and Traveller ) ...

Casus also tells the story of the famous Dungeons & Dragons Mathilde Maraninchi to publishing Solar (1982), which was the first role-play in French , a translation / adaptation pirate Basic D & D (where Lawful was translated "Law" Chaotic and "Vil"). He seemed to think that D & D was already active in the public domain. The editorial says that this game just " Right" was not on sale 48 hours before that TSR did not learn and Solar threat of a lawsuit. But I wonder what has happened to this mysterious Mathilde Maraninchi since. His "Dungeons and Dragons " clandestine became highly sought after by collectors (even if it is basically a version of D & D). Ironically, these are the same editions that will translate Solar then Endless Quests TSR.

He begins to be a lot more ads out so I will begin to select more (albeit often what I liked to read, outside of scenarios). They advertise such Star Frontiers, Thieves'Guild (RPG dedicated thieves Gamelords ) and Thieves'World (context multigame Supplement from Chaosium). Casus also provides the first edition of Ave Tenebrae in Dragonlord, " a fantasy wargame where several provinces satellites will be mixed with the struggles of two empires, surrounded by hordes of destructive and magical armies "(without mentioning that it's written by the editor FMF). The second edition will be taken up by Descartes and Games is the game that will then base the FMF career as a writer of comics.


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