Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pain When Sleeping On Right Side


The "Sacrifice to the god Þórr" (which is the month right now in the old Icelandic calendar, "Month Gel", it ends this Saturday, February 19) is a former rural festival Icelandic updated by romantic nationalist movements since the nineteenth century. I just returned from Iceland and I was hoping to attend such a party, but finally I'm content to enjoy the shark and the whale (I never thought about the fact it was stored in meat and not fish).

As I am now in a phase monomaniacal enough role play, as you may have noticed (and I do not read comics so example), so I'll have a passing fancy RPG Nordic c is inevitable.

I wonder if I can resist the French game's recent Seventh Circle Yggdrasil , I told myself that I knew far too well the theme.

There have been many games on the Vikings (see this list ). For example, the extension Swords & Sorcerers for Chivalry and Sorcery (which had a chapter on the Vikings, 1978) RuneQuest Vikings (1985) by Greg Stafford, Hero Fantasy / Rolemaster Campaign Classics: Vikings (1989) by the famous Gold Lee , GURPS Vikings (1991) by Graeme Davis , AD & D2 Vikings Historical Reference (1991) by Zeb Cook or Viking (1994, swedish game). There is even a game Icelandic Askura Yggdrasil , 1994, Rúnar Þór Thorarinsson. The same author also made another RPG Icelandic Fræknir ferðalangar , "intrepid traveler" in 1997 (there is also a kind of game on the series Icelandic geek Astrópía ). I like an Icelandic word for "role play", " spunaspil " which seems to imply that we play " weave" a story (but they also say hlutverkaleikur ).

RuneQuest Supplement Stafford and Campaign Classics Gold Lee are among my favorites.

There is also such a recent game (translated from Portuguese) is the mechanism that the d20, Vikings: Midgard but has made efforts to develop an entire campaign world (where Loki manages to steal the secret of the runes to Óðinn , by disguising himself Freyja, but where descendants of fatal Æsir and Vanir must ensure their recovery, while avoiding themselves be manipulated by the deceiving God).

And it has nothing to do with RPGs, but I also recommend the TV comedy of 2007 Icelandic Næturvaktin that deserves not to remain confined to its 300,000 spectators Icelandic potential with his camera of characters in a gas station during the night.


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