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Sofia! Light glandouille there ... In fact I spent my time more chill-outer than anything else but hey I managed, to my great surprise, to take a report of ten minutes past seven days there! Mazeltov so. The first four days were spent quietly at the foot of the mountain, in the village so you can see the end of the video. All with Miwa, you can also see the end of the video. That is one point I saw Sofia in summer, and I was pretty happy! It's good nature after three months in the cities.
But on arriving in the center, where I spent most of my time in the corner of the Patriarch, I was suddenly plunged into a crowded city, and is the least To say ... This may be due to the contrast but hey, Sofia is still a city with lots of traffic. Anyway this step was like the others, quite good! I could Zoya review and others that I had crossed during the passage of winter two years ago, I could make my interviews, meetings and everything that follows ... Available now!
Finally I advise you to go to Sofia because on one hand and as everywhere, it's worth it, and then also because here, as Zoya said, we can move to other places . Plovdiv, Varna, mountains, sea, old monasteries and so on ... Now you have the choice!
you next week!
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