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What has happened to you it Kiev? A beautiful stage, full of enriching encounters. The only problem is that I can not transcribe them as I would like these meetings ... For example, the first chick is a reporter for a newspaper architects, the first gentleman and second nana directors are the only world that happens to look like something is shot in night television reporter and Kolya is a chill outter professional ... And the painter too! You just imagine what it could give if I was doing a film on each one?! I think in future I'll try to focus my goal a little more about the people ... Anyway, as I said, these films are meant to serve as base to make people want to see what happens "over there", and learn more about the people who live there . And that, ultimately, I think I'm getting ... For your pleasure, ladies and gentlemen!
In this story, I wanted to show is the first of regret that some people from the Soviet era. Actually all those I met. Even if they are aware of the shortcomings of this scheme and they have suffered, they regret the time when everyone had a job and a roof provided by the state. Where to share with the heavyweights of heritage ..- there were no differences in wealth. Do a little research on the rents today, compare with the wages, and you'll understand!
This regret is something surprising which one is not necessarily aware in the West and so I think even today, when the weather warms, it is important to convey the message.
And then, well, then, through music, I wanted to show that as Andrei said the situation stabilizes ... And that through culture (often pop, woe!), East and west come together gradually.
Apart from that, and after twenty days past in this country, I highly recommend the Ukraine ... A soon to Sebastopol!